December 7, 2019, 4:39 pm
Col. Olcott was instrumental in establishing the Colombo Buddhist Theosophical Society and became its founding president. The mission of the Society included the establishment of orphanages and homes for the aged and to grant assistance to people affected by natural disasters, said Maithri Panagoda, an Adjunct Professor of Law at the University of Notre Dame, Australia.
Col. Olcott made representations to the British colonial government on behalf of the Sinhala Buddhist community. He played a vital role during the Buddhist Christian riots at Kotahena in 1883 to bring the perpetrators to justice. We are the proud recipients of his lifelong dedication and commitment for the good of all people, he noted.
An old Anandian, Panagoda was delivering the Olcott Oration 2019, one of key events in connection with the Founder’s Day celebrations of Ananda College, which marks its 133rd anniversary. The theme of this year’s Oration was “Achieving Social Justice through the Rule of Law”.
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